Monday, August 31, 2009


Sometime I don't get angry providers. You call and swear and cuss and try to fire people, and then you send in a request for payment and...what...hope we don't look at the notes? I am not saying that we deny payment based on how we get treated on calls, but if someone messed up and they are asking for an exception, telling us to F our M's in the A won't get you there faster.
Batman videogame comes today. I is gonna be the Dark Knight

Friday, August 28, 2009

Special Day

Yes, a little mini-freak out is called for. But a good freak out. Like when you try to go to bed the night before you go to Disneyland. You are going to be freaking out, but it's a good thing. As long as I can get some rest, I'll be fine.
Probably going to take a day trip to the Gorge on Sunday. Very windy, and high chances of buying a caramel apple from the chocolate mountain factory-whatever it's name is. Mmmmm, with nuts.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Land Shark

So, background info is, there is a provider that is refusing to obtain a certain code that will get his claims paid. It doesn't matter what the code is, just know that you can get it online, and it takes about 20 minutes. When I was on the phones, this guy called non-stop for a good day or two yelling at us for requiring it, rather than just getting it. We told him how to get it, we told him he needed it to be paid. No dice.
So now in appeals, what comes across my desk, but his letter requesting a formal review of the file and payment of claims. Interesting. Anyone who has just read this comment is more than qualified to tell him what he needs to do to get paid.
Congradulations, all of you are now expertly trained in claims. And no, he isn't going to get paid, I denied him. Feels good...feels right.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Good Intentions

Things are starting to go well. Nothing like the comic has happened, but between my job and my fiancee working at a hospital, we have plenty of stories about trying to assist dead people. And no, we didn't know they were dead at the time.
Verizon wireless' service is perfect, I have not lost a call (due to my reception going out) in several years. However, the time between them getting a cool phone and the other companies getting a cool phone is verging on years, with Verizon in the back. Research is being put into the possibility of an Iphone switch. It's up to you, Storm II. If you are a lemon, then Verizon Wireless looses a customer.
Or not, I dunno yet. I get a 20% discount on Verizon plans through my work, and a 23% discount for AT&T. Rack your brains on where the 3% difference came from.

Friday, August 21, 2009

System Shock

That is my new boss, if you needed explanation.
Yes, I am settling in, and my hands are considerably slower at this job...for now. Just wait, I will be wearing out keyboards in no time. I did discover a new office supply that weirds me out. It is a rubber cover for your finger, so you can flip through paper without having to lick your fingers for friction.
Now you know someone invented that, and you know they are, if not rich, then very well off. That irritates me deeply.
Perhaps I will invent a (insert something simply) that helps people (insert repetitive task) easier so they don't have to (insert activity that people should be doing anyways, lest they become obese).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wow, this new job is a lot of work. I mean, it just keeps coming. The public needs to just accept that they won't get paid. Stop sending in stuff! Naw, sometimes we do pay, and we always feel bad when we don't. Aha, didn't know we had a human face, did ya? Well, we do.
Sorry for Monday, it was the first day, and they had me training all day.

Friday, August 14, 2009

moving day

Yes, it's moving day. Time to shed unwanted papers, and take up residence in another cube. No time for spell checking, so if there are any errors, just live with them over the weekend. Do it. Doooo EEETTT NOWWWWW. (Arnold voice)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Flow

Busy day, compounded by my "Senior-itis" of only having 3 more days left on the phones. An interesting side-effect is that when there is a fix that requires monitoring, I have to pass it off to a co-worker. I won't be there to follow up. Bwahahaahahaaha. cough. Anyways,

pot luck tomorrow! Everyone bring tasty stuff!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Hahahaha, I drew less but it still works. Cheating is great. Let that be a lesson kids; If you are too busy to do things right, think around the problem and you will find a new, invetive solution. And have time to daydream about video games.
T-minus one week until the new job starts. I doubt the comics will go away, but there might be a little lag due to a new schedule. We shall see.
My soon to be father-in-law gave me some speakers for my TV last night. I can't wait to pop Iron Man in and let Tony Stark explode my chest cavity with his awesomeness. And now to continue designing my father's website.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Holy hormones, Batman!

No time for witty banter. Got to go home. Bank, Gym, cookies. Important stuff.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Based on True Events

Wow, almost missed it. I am leaving work early today to mosey down to the radio station and pick up my free tickets to Hawaii. But, comic is done and uploaded, so all that is important is attended to.
I might even get to eat dinner at Costco today, so let's all cross our fingers on that one.
As for the comic today, yes when you use lingo incorrectly it will confuse us. If you get frustraited at that, the quickest way to stop the irritation is to stop pretending like you work for an insurance company. Even we don't like to use the lingo, so don't you start.