Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Star Wars Reference

Bah bah bah, bah bah bah, bah bah bah (imperial march). Yep, starting January 2nd, I help out by demoting myself to my old job, answering calls. And do you know what I will do in-between those calls? Drawing comics that point out how stupid the calls are!!!!
Yay for full circle. Oh, and no comic Friday, cause it be a holiday. Don't forget to watch the Twilight Zone Marathon!!

Monday, December 28, 2009


It's like looking into infinity! Ahahahahaa...and now you are insane. Sorry.
Go see Avatar for the 3D. Go see Avatar for the effects. Don't see Avatar thinking the plot is anything new. Cool effects though.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Haven't Seen It Yet

But I'm gonna see it Saturday, AT THE IMAX IN 3D!!! (See title of comic for beginning of question.)

On an aside, I have been using new mouths for the characters. I like it, better than the random lines that symbolized their talking before. Of course, it isn't photorealistic, but at least they have teeth. Most of the time.

Hey wait, if he was pure energy, how would he have a bladder? The transformation must have happened on the way out of the theater. It's the only logical explanation.

Monday, December 21, 2009


This is based on a true story that sadly I am still in the midst of. You see, after joining a certain gym that is open, let's say, all hours of the day, all 24 of them...I began unknowingly accumulating points everytime they scanned my membercard on entry. At the six month mark, they offer me the opportunity to cash in said points at their store. Like a child that found money on the ground, I walked in not even knowing what to spend these points on, and ended up getting 8 chocolate workout shakes.
The gym tries to mail them to me, they didn't have my apartment
One month later I email them and only then find out the issue, give them my address, they try again but I am not there to sign for #2.
They leave a note saying they will try again the next day between 10am and 5pm. My fiancee waits at home all day, then leaves at 5pm assuming they forgot, they come at #3.
I go online Thursday night, tell them to keep it at the wearhouse and I will pick it up Saturday. Saturday rolls around and I call to verify it is there, it is still on the truck, won't be off till #4.
I drive on my lunch on Monday to the wearhouse, pick up the box, open it up...only four shakes. I had ordered 8....FAIL #5!!!!!!
So now, I must email them and remind them that I ordered shakes I didn't even want, with points I didn't even know I had, and they have messed up FIVE TIMES!!! and to please send the remaining shakes to my house, with no requirement for signature.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I tried a new way of drawing their mouths today, I think it has promise but a bit more tweaking is in order. And no, I didn't name my peak hair. But I do check that it still grows from time to time. Still there baby, still there.

Happy Friday everyone! And Happy eighth night (final) of Hannukah. Good thing too, cause I was running out of candles. It took a racially insensitive amount of time to find those candles.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Without A Cause

I think the only reason they unblocked the blog code at work is because suddenly our homepage has a blog. Once it suits them, things become legal. Was Michael Moore right? Nooo, he's too gross to be right.

I ate a gourmet peppermint marshmellow today. Let me be the first to say that is not a tasty treat. Booo on the makers of that culinary disaster. It was like biting chalk dust that was suspended in a semi-fluid filled with broken glass and sugar. Suffice to say, the sugar was the high point.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Hannukah!

Not particularly Hannukah-themed, but it is light hearted and there is a truth to it. I did accidently take her keys to work today. But when I go home, I get to pick up my car and it will be so nice. Then it's time for Latkahs and jelly donuts (cause they are fried, and the oil of the lamp lasted eight nights, eh?) So have a happy Holliday everyone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Modest Proposal

I put the plant talking in the end to comfort the weaker-minded readers who might be offended by the underlying message. However, if you truly can think of a reason not to let the man get what he wants, then please post on this blog, because I have been denying his hospitalizations for like 2 years now, and I don't think that what we are doing is helping.
On a lighter note, kittens like to use their litterboxes when you are in the shower and cannot escape the stronger than expected fumes. Just so you know.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Up the Tailpipe

Need a new gastank for a 2000 Jetta vr6 because a flap inside broke off and is lodged in the tank. That is the poo. Luckily the moment I mentioned that I might take it to another shop, they "remembered" that they have a used tank for $300 less locally. How nice. Still, that is the poo.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Sorry folks, had a family emergency that I had (still do) attend in Florida. No comic for a week and I didnt' even warn you. Hope everyone is doing ok.

Should be back on track Monday.