Part of that training I talked about on Monday is that I must think of an idea to better the company. I was actually told if I bettered the company enough they would let someone go, because they could justify not needing as many people. This world is terrible.
I somehow destroyed my back, and haven't been able to stand up straight for a day and a half now. I called my new insurance company to see about an in network provider to fix it, and man were they not prepared for me. "You can see anyone you want, it's the same charge" then I would reply "Yea, but won't I be liable for any overage amounts if I see someone not contracted?" to which they put me on hold for 15 minutes and came back telling me I was right. It's sad that you have to work for an insurance company to not get screwed by one.
But, less than one week until baby pictures, so that's what matters.
Did you notice that your copyright is from 2009? LOL