Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Same Bat-Time

Still working out the finer points of how much longer I have to allot for shading when making the comics, but I think it is a welcome addition. I did however, draw this one before I had written it, so if you can think of better text to insert with this image, please post your ideas. I am going to be gone for a funeral until Friday of next week publishing-wise, so the winning post by that time will get their idea inserted into the comic. SUBMIT NOW! GET TO THE CHOPPAHHH!! CALIOFOONNIAAAALAGALGALGLALGA.


  1. The shading looks really good. Keep it up!

  2. Frame 1

    D: This totally sucks!

    K: What? That I have more of a five o'clock shadow than you do?

    D: Yeah!

    Frame 2

    D: I spent the first thirteen years of my life dreaming about the days when I could show off my studly beard, and now you've totally got me beat. what the hell!

    K: Well what do you expect, these phones are crazy. at least you still get to moonlight as batman in your other job. I'm stuck here. All the time.

    Frame 3

    D: Wherever there is injustice...

    Wherever there is fear...

    Wherever I can find a bit of extra Rogaine and regain my honor...

    Batman will be there.
