Monday, September 21, 2009

Repeat Offender

Well, I do like to work out.
Following the lead of a coworker, I have been cooking my meals at home and then tupperwearing them to work. Mostly rice, lean chicken and veggies. I was doing all that before, but the absorbed behavior is breaking my serving size up into 3 chunks, and eating them every few hours throughout the day. It is a weird concept that every dietician will endorse (more meals, smaller servings). I at my first "chunk" right before my lunch hour, the second chunk a few hours later, and...oh...I forgot to eat my third chunk.
Now I sat there pondering this, and realized that this may be an uninteded consequence of such an eating pattern. I overall ate 2/3rds of what I would have, and I don't feel hungry at all.
Take that Jenny Craig. Is she still relevant? Anyone get the reference? Oh well poo, now I'm hungry.

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